Recommended Foods For Muscle Building

Mummy Jene
1 min readMay 6, 2022

Nutrient-dense foods like cheese, milk, and leafy veggies, meat contains protein which is vital for muscle building. Learn more about the number of fares for muscle building in this article and the nutrients needed for healthy bones and muscles. A healthy breakfast is good for our day. To have the energy in whatever we need to accomplish, we must nourish our body with the proper nutrients. We need carbohydrates for energy and protein for strength. Protein is one of the essential nutrients needed to strengthen our muscles, fuel up our bodies during workouts, and do physical activities. What food do we need to intake to sustain our body with the protein it needs?
Why Is Protein Essential To Us?
We need proteins daily to be healthy and be able to perform our daily activities. It is vital, especially if our everyday work requires physical strength. The strength we exert in every workout and daily exercise, hefty lifting, causes stress to our muscles, resulting in tears and damage. To repair this damage or muscle tears, we need enough protein. Proteins have amino acids which are responsible for repairing and building muscle tissues. As our muscle fiber grows in strength and size, it needs proteins and calories to fuel the process. Our body uses skeletal muscle protein when repairing the damage. And because our body does not have the excess amino acids needed for the process, we need to get them from protein-rich foods. We need protein, especially for adults. As we age, our muscl



Mummy Jene

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