Emotional And Mental Health

Mummy Jene
3 min readSep 12, 2021
Emotional And Mental Health

There are times that we feel depressed, anxious, and lonely due to some unexpected changes in our life, or loss of a loved one, heartbreak, or that kind of loneliness that you don’t even know the reason behind. The truth of the matter is, these emotions are normal and healthy because we are human beings. What makes it abnormal is when these emotions become excessive and distressing that which affects your day-to-day living. When you can’t do anything or can’t eat or can’t function on your daily responsibilities because you lose interest and feel so tired and depressed that you think you have no reason for living. This is the time that you need professional help because it is not healthy anymore.

Emotional Health

According to a licensed psychologist, July Fraga, PsyD, “emotional health focuses on being in tune with our emotions, vulnerability, and authenticity”. In other words, it involves how we manage and express our emotions that are appropriate to our age. It is the most important part of our well-being. If we can’t handle our emotions properly, our physical well-being and so our mental health will be affected.

Mental Health

Mental health refers to our response to our thoughts, actions, and everything around us. It covers our well-being psychologically, socially, and emotionally, our mental health has a big role in how we manage stress in our relationship, career, and different areas of our life. If we are coping with these stress factors properly and able to overcome them, our mental health status is in shape. People with mental health problems oftentimes show symptoms like; frequent changes in mood, excessive sleeping, like getting drunk always, use of prohibited drugs, insomnia, overeating or undereating, lack of energy, and always tired.

What Is The Difference Between Emotional Health And Mental Health? Mental health involves how your mind processes information and experiences and how you understand them, while emotional health involves how you react to the information and experiences. Mental health also involves how you make decisions while emotional focuses on how you manage emotions. Even though you have mental issues, you can still have good emotional health and vice versa.

If you are emotionally healthy, you are in control of your thoughts, actions, and behaviors. And remember, it doesn’t mean that when you have good emotional health, you can’t feel depressed or lonely. Emotionally healthy means, you can cope up with your emotions and get back up after your setbacks. In mental health issues, in some cases, it is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain or it could be hereditary. Mental health problems can be triggered by stress, family and work problems, or grief. If ever you are struggling with your mental health or emotional health, there are many ways to divert your focus instead of dwelling on your own problems. Knowing the differences between these two terms will help you get started on how to deal when something goes above normal.



Mummy Jene

MummyJene blog where i will write articles about beauty tips, health guide, travel hacks and many more in a working mom perspective. More at www.mummyjene.com