At What Point Should I Be Concerned About My Joint Pain?
Let us start with the question; when should I worry about joint pain?
One symptom of aging is joint pain. Middle ages and older often experience this, mainly when triggered by cold weather or sudden movement. But it can occur to anyone when there are pressured joints and bones due to extreme physical activities or an accident. Joint pain can be relieved by massage and pain reliever. Or, in most cases, it will just heal after relaxing. You will need medical attention, especially with the following;
Joint Deformity
Can have underlying causes like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. These two conditions can be hereditary and need treatment. These needed proper examination, treatment, and management by professionals. There can also be other causes of joint deformity other than the two mentioned conditions.
Extreme Pain That Results In The Inability To Use The Joint
If this happens, it may be because of a severe injury like; dislocation and broken bone. It usually happens to athletes and people who work out regularly.
Inflammation And Swelling
Aside from injury, sudden swelling and inflammation can be a sign of infection. Or there is also a possibility that it is because of viruses such as HIV and Hepatitis C. Children could also develop infectious arthritis. Once these signs occur, visit your doctor immediately.
What Can I Do When I Have Joint Pain?
The first thing you can do when you feel sudden pain in your joints is to relax that area until the pain subsides. If it is bearable, you can gently massage it with massaging oil. You can also get an over-the-counter pain reliever if you feel it is too painful for you. Damping an ice pack on the area will also help subside the swelling and pain. Also, use a heating pad or soak in a tub of warm water to relax your muscles and joints and, at the same time, increase blood circulation. If the pain persists even after relaxing and joint pain occurs frequently, it might be time to call for help.